Sam Rothstein

Sam Rothstein was hooked once he saw climbing was a legit sport. It was 2011 in Dallas, and every day after school he hit the gym until his hands were shredded with flappers. He joined Team Texas, then headed to Fort Collins for college where he really turned it on. After working through the grades and sending his first V12, Sam realized the gold mine of new boulders that existed in his backyard, and refocused his energies on developing new problems. Sending old undone lines in classic areas along with new boulders in zones he discovered has left Sam with a legacy of hundreds of FAs in the Poudre and beyond.

On a perfect day, Sam will be found working a rad project out in the woods with the homies not far from the car. He dreams of bouldering in Rocklands.

These days Sam still climbs 3-4 days a week on top of his job coaching and routesetting. He’s still hunting new FAs. He loves steep, long resistance climbs, and does his indoor training on the Kilter Board set to 70 degrees.

Away from climbing he’s been enjoying pool, disc golf, and local shows. Every now and then he will crush a half gallon of chocolate milk for lunch.

Don’t miss his videos, writing and stories in the KinetiK blog.

Sam Rothstein's Instagram

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